Search Engine Optimisation Services

Trick Google in to thinking you are searching for kitchen, bathrooms and tiling from kingston upon hull

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How This Location Changing Search Tool Works

This search tool changes the location of where Google thinks you are searching for kitchen, bathrooms and tiling from using the w+CAIQICI trick.

kingston upon hull - number of letters in location = 18

18 + 1 letter of alphabet (Uppercase) = mystery letter = S

base64 kingston upon hull = a2luZ3N0b24gdXBvbiBodWxs

Result = w+CAIQICISa2luZ3N0b24gdXBvbiBodWxs

w+CAIQICISa2luZ3N0b24gdXBvbiBodWxs = Search from kingston upon hull You can test if this has worked by scrolling to the bottom of the Google results page and checking the location they think you are in.

Google Location Search

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